👋 Hello, I'm

Melanie Brandes

Developer based in Australia

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Check out my featured projects below 👩‍💻


Dictionary App

The Dictionary Lite App has been my lates project. This app combines my coding knowledge from three coding workshops using the React Framework, as well as JavaScript to make it functional. The free dictionary API and the Pexels Image API together create a great user experience when looking up definitions of words.

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Weather App

This Weather App uses the OpenWeatherMap API and allows the user to access weather data from anywhere in the world through a search bar. This data includes the current weather as well as a seven day forecast based on real-life data. I used the front-end framework Bootstrap to create a professional user interface and user experience.

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Weather App
Vegan Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pancakes

The Blueberry Pancake Project was one of my earlier attempts to create a website that is purely based on HTML, CSS and very simple JavaScript. While it is basic, I like to incorporate this project as a reminder for myself of my own progess as a developer. I am also quite fond of the design and colour choice in this project.

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